06 June 2011

Freedom! And consequently, updates.

1:00 pm on Friday saw the end of our painfully prolonged examination term, and the beginning of our existence as free people.  While I can see the benefit of having an entire term devoted to exams - more time to study and all that - I almost prefer the American approach of getting all of your exams and final papers done in one completely insane week.  Once you get into a rhythm, you aren't constantly fighting inertia to keep... studying... a little... each... day.
But, for better or for worse, it is all over!  So the time has come for a summary of The Greatest Hits of the past two weeks.
First, Alex and I made our way to Stratford-Upon-Avon, to pay homage to our mutual hero, Shakespeare.  We went to see where he lived...

...and where he was baptized, married, and buried.

We were fortunate enough to get same-day seats to the RSC production of The Merchant of Venice. Elated enough at having gotten tickets, the vendor told us as we walked off, "Oh, yes, and Patrick Stewart is playing Shylock."  What.  It was a really cool production, set in (anti-Semitic) Vegas in about the 60's.  Oddly enough, this was not the first Shakespeare production I'd seen set in Vegas, but it was certainly the darkest.  The interpretation was satisfyingly thought-provoking, and Patrick Stewart was amazing.  We thoroughly enjoyed it.

Two days later, we reprised our Shakespeare experience (Shakespearience?) by going to The Globe to see an excellent production of Much Ado About Nothing.  We got groundling tickets, and waited in line early to watch from right at the edge of the stage.  Of course, this is the uncovered part of the theater, so we prepared ourselves for having to ride out a few brief summer showers during the show.  However.  We were not prepared for standing in a total downpour for three hours straight without umbrellas.  We were soaked, and freezing, and our feet hurt something dreadful - but it was completely worth it.

Proving my loyalty to Shax.
On the Monday before our last exams, Paola invited us all to English breakfast at Kenwood House in Hampstead Heath.
Even Gabe is smiling this time!

We were blessed with spectacular weather (sure, now it stops raining), so the view from Parliament Hill was stunning.
You can see every major landmark in the London skyline.
Picking out the various landmarks, I came to the startling realization that I have come to love this city.

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