Last night, Anjali, Kun-wei, Kelsey, Raven and I checked out the UC Opera, and found it to be a lot of fun. It was interesting to see how music rehearsals were run here (because one rehearsal for one group can really be used as an accurate measure of how all music rehearsals go in all of Britain...). The director just had us dive into the music, sight-singing Weber/Mahler's
Die Drei Pintos. It was a little overwhelming, putting together handwritten lyrics with a very compact score while having no idea how the pieces went, but we all thought we'd give it another go next week, since it's pretty satisfying to be able to say you are in an
Today we were graced with the presence of three members of our Pomona family, Professors O'Leary and Seligman and Director of Study Abroad Rhoda Borcherding. They kindly took us out to dinner at a fantastic Turkish restaurant, for which we were all grateful, as this was probably the first real meal (a.k.a. something other than sandwiches/salad/soup) any of us had eaten for a few days. All 10 of the neuro study abroad students were there, and a good time was had by all. Prof. Seligman seemed especially eager to be in all of the photos, so I decided to spite him here and show more photos that included Prof. O'Leary : )
Just look at those photogenic smiles! Kelsey, Prof. Seligman, Kun-Wei, Anjali, and Prof. O'Leary. |
Kun-Wei and Anjali with Rhoda - without whom none of us would be studying abroad! |
O'Leary takes his desserts seriously. |
All 10 neuro students plus O'Leary (to be fair, Seligman is taking the picture). There are a lot of great things going on in this picture, but Rachel L. in the back is definitely the best part. |
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